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Τετάρτη 22 Ιουνίου 2016


Dilemmas are for humans and life cannot be predicted in any simulation models. A Great day for history after D-Day will take place tomorrow on 23rd June 2016. UK and its inhabitants will make freely their choice to stay or live in European Union. An EU that has totally failed to serve its purpose as Winston Churchill described in 19th September 1946 in following words “If this kind continent was united in enjoying its cultural heritage there wouldn’t be any boundaries in happiness and glory for its 300-400 million inhabitants”. What went wrong is not difficult to find someone if checks EU nations' social status.

So, first reason for UK not to leave could be Winston Churchill legacy. A leader who lived in tough moments of British history to see London bombarded by Germans while its citizens run for shelter to save their lives. Indeed, he should know something better from us nowadays to seek from that time for an EU instead of a powerful new British Empire.

Second reason could be what ancient Greeks used to say by message “Power in Unity” reaching one of the highest level of human progress and civilization in history. If the Queen thinks that UK will remain the same and be developed in a revival British Empire then a Brexit idea could not be wrong but taking into account that Great Britain will become in this case an isolated island between USA and EU struggling for a new role it would be interesting to observe English and Scottish destiny outside EU in meta-WWII World the day after tomorrow.

Third but not least is the new EU history without British fighting spirit. An after BREXIT tri-pole EU with German, France and Poland will be thrilling to find out where will it end up. As UK denied participating in strong Euro and accelerating EU fusion, 24rd of June without UK will start a new era in continental Europe that will have to change in many aspects, probably easier furthermore. English will have no reason to be spoken then as they will represent a language and a set of values outside EU and rest 27 nations will have to orientate their local national interests towards a three-peaked EU decisions mechanism. 

Not to lose time it’s better to wait a few hours to find out what UK decides and what message Queen Elisabeth will address to its people so as to start running more carefully this time in the New World of knowledge prevailing boundaries and having prosperity of humans becomes as the ultimate goal. Moreover, none War in the papers resembled with the real War in the field...